
Wednesday 7 January 2009

Gwylio a darllen

Methu cysgu neithiwr. Deffrais tia bedwar o gloch ag erbyn hanner awr wedi pump r'on i'n gwybod bod na ddim obaith o gysgu eto, felly codais a es i lawr grisiau i wneud paned ag i wylio a Meryl, Beryl a Sheryl - or efalla Beryl, Meryl a Sheryl? Pwy a wyr ? Mae o reit dda - a digri. Ond, dipyn o sioc i sylweddoli bod gan Caernarfon - fy nhre i; enw dipyn yr un fath a Lerpwl yn Lloegr. O wel, dyna chi.
(Mae'r llun yma o fi yn cerdded ar hyd y llwybr arfordirol (ydi hynny'r gair iawn am "coastal", tybwch?) A, cyn i chi ofyn, does na ddim llawer o gysylltiad gyda be dwi wedi sgwenny yma)

Dw i bron wedi gorffen darllen Mwy o Bywyd Bethan: casgliad o'r colofnau (ydi hynny'n iawn, tybed?) y mae hi yn sgrifennu bob wythnos (ydi hi'n dal ati?) yn y papur. Mae nhw'n diddorol i ddarllen a hefyd yn fy nghyflwyno i rwyfaint o eiriau sy'n newydd i fi.

Fedrai ddim helpu synnu - dim ots faint ydw i'n ddarllen; gwylio S4C a gwrando ar radio Cymru - a felly, dwi'n honni fy mod i'n dysgu geiriau newydd - mae wastad gymaint o eiriau dwi ddim yn gwybod. Ond, ers talwm, pan oeddwn i'n byw yn Nghaernarfon, roeddwn i'n dallt Cymraeg yn iawn - ac yn siarad hefo Nain a fy Anti. Ond weithio r'oedd o'n anodd dod o hyd i'r gair r'oeddwn i isio defnyddio. Mae'n rhaid fod my ngeirfa yn brin iawn. Hefyd, r'oeddwn i'n ffeindio fo'n annodd darllen y llyfrau ysgol level 'O' Cymraeg. Heb son am fy ngramadeg Cymraeg. R'oedd yr ysgol dim yn fodlon i fi gymryd y fersiwn o'r O level wedi addasu at ddysgwyr. Digon teg. Ond, r'oeddwn nhw yn disgwyl i fi wybod y gramadeg - ag, yn nol fy ngwybodaeth fi - r'oedd neb wedi dysgu'r grammadeg i fi. Ac r'oeddwn i ddim yn clywed Cymraeg (na siarad Cymraeg) yn y ty, felly dim syndod bod fy ngramadeg yn ddrwg!

Dw i ddim yn hoff o wneud ymarferion o gwbl, nag o wneud rhestri o'r geiriau dw i wedi edrych i fynnu (ond dw i yn trio cadw ryw restr) felly dw i'n gobeithio cynyddu fy ngeirfa a gwella fy ngramadeg trwy darllen, gwrando a, rwan, sgwennu y blog yma. Gawn i weld!

English summary: Viewing and reading

After waking very early and failing to go back to sleep got up this morning and started watching Meryl, Beryl a Sheryl: a comedy film about the adventures of 3 girls from Caernarfon, my home town, on their holiday in Spain. I'm coming to realise that Caernarfon (and its inhabitants) has a bit of a reputation - and not always a good one. Hmmm. (PS photo of my walking on the North Wales coastal path a few summers ago - not very connected to the blog....)

Can't help being constantly surprised that, no matter how much I read, watch welsh tv and radio, assuming that in so doing I'm learning new words (and I know that I am picking some new ones up, though I often do it by context rather than going to the dictionary and looking) there are so many words I don't know. Just how many are there out there? After all, when I lived in Caernarfon I managed to talk Welsh to my grandmother and aunty, though I sometimes - found it hard to find the word I wanted, and to understand it. But my vocabulary must have been very limited. I also found reading the welsh books in school pretty hard, let alone Welsh grammar. The school would not let me take the 'learner' version of O level Welsh. Fair enough as I was a fairly fluent speaker. but, they expected me to know the grammar, and to my knowledge I had never been taught Welsh grammar - and, starting welsh at the age of 4 was too late to pick it up like a native speaker I think - and of course I didn't hear or speak Welsh at home, so no wonder it was bad!

I don't like doing grammar exercises at all, nor making lists of new words that I have looked up in the dictionary (though I do keep some kinds of lists) so I'm hoping to increase my vocabulary and improve my grammar through reading, listening and now, writing this blog. We'll see!


At 9 January 2009 at 03:40 , Blogger Gill said...

It seems quite an uphill struggle to learn a new language without being immersed in it by living somewhere where it is spoken all around you. I would have expected the grammar to be fairly easy to fit around colloquial knowledge, but this is obviously not the case. Does Welsh use a different or less intuitive grammar to English (or the other European languages)?

At 12 January 2009 at 01:30 , Blogger Ann Jones said...

Hmmm - interesting question, Gill. One grammatical feature is quite different from English, French and Italian. Welsh has a system of mutations, a feature which apparently is common to all Celtic languages and which affects the initial letters of words. What it means is that the initial letters often change, depending on what comes before them -and according to some rules (with exceptions of course!)
I think (!) there are about 27 mutations and 3 different kinds so for example if I want to say I am from Caernarfon (my home town) “from Caernarfon” translates as “O Gaernarfon” in that sentence – the C becomes G; but if you are saying in Caernarfon, the preposition for in is “yn” and it changes to become “Yng Nghaernarfon” . These are pretty straightforward – and getting them wrong (for me) would sound odd, so I don’t, but there are many cases that aren’t as common and where, frankly I don’t have a clue!
(I also have never formally learnt the gender of nouns - and that can trip me up as well as adjectives etc change according to gender - but we only have two - could be worse!)


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